Cold Wax Medium – Gamblin


Cold Wax Medium is a painting medium made from naturally white, pure beeswax. A soft paste formulated to knife consistency, Gamblin Cold Wax Medium can be added directly to oil colours to make them thicker and more matte. This versatile medium can also be applied to a dry painting as a removable, matte varnish. Once applied, the Cold Wax can be left to dry for a matte finish or gently buffed for a soft luster. Cold Wax Medium can also be used to reduce the gloss level of Gamvar Picture Varnish. It can be thinned to brush consistency by dissolving it in a small amount of Odourless Mineral Spirit. The surface of paintings made with beeswax mediums will become only as hard as a beeswax candle.

Please note, painters who are using more than 1/3 cold wax medium to 2/3 oil paints should paint on rigid supports or paintings may crack when moved. By mixing 1/2 Cold Wax Medium and 1/2 G-Gel, painters can paint on flexible supports.

Product features:

  • Naturally white, pure beeswax paste.
  • Painting medium for oil colour.
  • Can be applied as matt varnish.
  • Thin with Mineral Spirits.
  • Hardens to beeswax candle consistency.
  • Available in 475ml & 118ml tubs.


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