Aquafine Watercolour Sets – Daler Rowney

R285.00R1 375.00

Aquafine watercolours are made from a selection of modern high-quality pigments milled to perfection to offer optimal performance and control. Aquafine watercolours are rich, free-flowing transparent colours with excellent tinting strength and working properties that reliably produce beautiful, delicate washes.

The Daler-Rowney Aquafine Watercolour Set gives you a selection of colourful paints that are compact and easy to take with you. The sets offer high-quality watercolour paints, great whether you want to work in your own artist’s studio or you wish to paint your watercolours while looking over beautiful vistas.

Product features:

  • Excellent lightfastness (7 colours offering 4*).
  • Vibrant and transparent colours.
  • Each set includes a paint brush and paint tray palette.
  • For artists & hobbyists.


Available options:

  • 12pc Half Pan Plastic Box Travel Set
  • 18pc Half Pan Metal Tin Travel set
  • 24pc Half Pan Plastic Box Travel Set
  • 48pc Half Pan Plastic Box Studio Set


View our Daler Rowney Aquafine Brushes and Aquafine Watercolour Pads.

View our range of Daler Rowney products.



View Colour Chart

Colour Disclaimer. Actual colours may vary since every computer monitor has a different capability to display colours and everyone sees these colours differently. We cannot guarantee that the colour you see accurately portrays the true colour of the product.

Available Options:


  • 12pc Travel Set: 12 half pan colours, paint tray palettes, and an added paintbrush is presented in a compact rectangular plastic case.

Colours – Lemon Yellow, Hooker’s Green Dark, Gamboge Hue, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Hue, Raw Sienna, Alizarin Crimson Hue, Light Red, Cobalt Blue Hue, Burnt Sienna, Ultramarine Blue Dark, Payne’s Grey.

  • 18pc travel set: 18 half pan colours, paint tray palettes, and an added paintbrush presented in a compact circular metal case.

Colours – Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow Hue, Gamboge Hue, Vermillion Hue, Cadmium Red Hue, Alizarin Crimson, Purple, Prussian Blue, Ultramarine, Cobalt Blue Hue, Coeruleum Hue, Viridian Hue, Sap Green, Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Ivory Black, Chinese White.

  • 24pc Travel Set: 24 half pan colours, paint tray palettes, and an added paintbrush presented in a compact rectangular plastic case.

Colours – Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow Hue, Gamboge Hue, Vermillion Hue, Cadmium Red Hue, Alizarin Crimson Hue, Portrait Pink, Purple Lake, Cobalt Violet, Prussian Blue, Ultramarine Blue Dark, Cobalt Blue Hue, Coeruleum Hue, Viridian Hue, Leaf green, Hooker’s Green, Sap Green, Yellow Ochre, Light Red, Burnt Sienna, Burnt Umber, Payne’s Grey, Ivory Black, Chinese White.

  • 48pc Studio Set: 48 half pan colours, paint tray palettes, and an added paintbrush is presented in a compact rectangular plastic case.

Colours – Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow Hue, Cadmium Yellow Deep Hue, Gamboge Hue, Indian Yellow Hue, Cadmium Orange Hue, Vermilion Hue, Cadmium Red Hue, Alizarin Crimson Hue, Rose Madder Hue, Permanent Rose, Peach Pink, Quinacridone Magenta, Purple Lake, Ultramarine Pink, Ultramarine Violet, Cobalt Violet Hue, Permanent Mauve, Indigo, Prussian Blue, Ultramarine Blue Light, Ultramarine Blue Dark, Cobalt Blue Hue, Phthalo Blue, Coeruleum Hue, Transparent Turquoise, Viridian Hue, Leaf Green, Hooker’s Green Light, Hooker’s Green Dark, Sap Green, Olive Green, Yellow Ochre, Raw Sienna, Light Red, Burnt Sienna, Naples Yellow, Burnt Umber, Vandyke Brown Hue, Raw Umber, Sepia Hue, Payne’s Grey, Ivory Black, Lamp Black, Titanium White, Chinese White, Silver Imit. and Gold Imit.

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Aquafine Watercolour Set

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