Podcast Love: The Savvy Painter Podcast

The nerdy nerd in my loves learning new things, but life has become so busy that time-management has somehow been overtaken by multitasking in an effort to gain some minutes.  My previous love for reading has dwindled to listening to audiobooks while I draw.  Well, that was the case until a good friend introduced me to podcasts.

How to steal like an Artist

Stealing is bad right?  Well, yes, but there’s more to it, says Austin Kleon – award winning book author. His book “Steal like an Artist” is a New York Times Bestseller, and has inspired millions of artists worldwide.  Filled with fun doodles and quirky diagrams, this small book is a fairly quick read, but with a lasting impact. It will provide you with tools and insights that will stick with you throughout your entire creative journey.

Arty Apps We Love: DailyArt

Other than a Pencil-Nerd I am actually just a self-confessed nerdy nerd and I have always loved learning new things. I was browsing around the App store on my phone, randomly searching for apps to do with Art, when I came across DailyArt.

A Chat with Fine Artist Mariaan Kotze


I was lucky enough to connect with Mariaan Kotze – an artist who really inspired me with the diversity in her artforms and the bold imagery she combines to portray her vision.